A New Jersey-based 5th Grade kid named Nihal Tamanna is on a mission to divert used batteries from ending into the environment through his Non-profit venture called Recycle My Battery.
Nihal founded the Recycle My Battery organisation with the purpose of recycling as many batteries as possible, and thus prevent the damage caused due to the toxic elements present inside the batteries.
Although embarked on his venture, Nihal's efforts soon got a helping hand from his cousin Mihir Tamanna who joined him as a co-founder. One of the best things that happened with the two since they started off was the Call2Recycle, the nation's largest battery recycling organisation formed by Energizer and Duracell, which supported their initiative by providing the RMB team free bins to collect batteries.
Another helping hand came from the Best Brains Learning Center, which helped Recycle My Battery by placing bins at different locations of the city. Nihal and the team, at Recycle My battery, successfully managed to lay the milestone of collecting more than 30,000 batteries and got them recycled.
What's, even more, is they extended their efforts by educating more than 70,000 people about the need to recycle.
One of the core, and probably the most toxic component (if not disposed of properly) of most of the batteries is lead. Lead along with other heavy metals such as Mercury, Lithium, Cadmium, etc., form the core chemicals of most of the batteries. Once used up these batteries must be subjected to safe disposal in order to avoid the inside chemicals to leak out and pollute the environment.
Most of us dump the used batteries into the garbage bin, thinking they will get recycled, unfortunately, these rarely make it to the Recycling unit, but end up in landfills. The release of the toxic chemicals present inside the battery not only affects the soil and groundwater, but leaves a deleterious effect on the air as well.
Currently, there are over 70 companies that are supporting the Recycle My Battery campaign, and together the RMB has installed dedicated battery bins in the schools, colleges, housing communities, and near offices. Nihal's impeccable initiative has inspired many young audiences to join his effort. He strongly believes that it is with the collaborative effort that we can create a better tomorrow.
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