IAS officer Supriya Sahu took to Twitter to demonstrate the prototype of a cloth bag vending machine being developed in Tamil Nadu. The machine dispenses a cloth bag at the insertion of a Rs 10 coin. This initiative was started to make eco-friendly bags more available to the public. The machine, once ready, will be installed at market places, bus stands etc. to slowly weed out plastic bags. It’s called a ‘Manjapai Vending Machine’ because it dispenses a yellow cloth bag (Manjapai) which is usually used at various ceremonies in Tamil Nadu.
“Manjapai Vending Machine is finally here. It is a challenge to make cloth bags available in public places at an affordable cost. We are working to set up these machines at market places & bus stops etc Prototype is ready and details will come soon."
Manjapai Vending Machine is finally here. It is a challenge to make cloth bags available in public places at an affordable cost. We are working to set up these machines at market places & bus stops etc Prototype is ready and details will come soon =”https://twitter.com/hashtag/meendummanjapai?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw”>#meendummanjapai =”https://twitter.com/hashtag/manjapai?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw”>#manjapai =”https://t.co/UByJyZ55AK”>pic.twitter.com/UByJyZ55AK
— Supriya Sahu IAS (@supriyasahuias) =”https://twitter.com/supriyasahuias/status/1527853199604199424?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw”>May 21, 2022
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