On 18th January 2022, MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT, FOREST AND CLIMATE CHANGE released the Draft Plastic Waste Management Rules, 2022
The following amendments have been made:
• In rule 9, which specifies Responsibility of producers, Importers and Brand Owners, sub-rule (1) has been substituted, namely:
“The Producers, Importers and Brand Owners, shall fulfil Extended Producers Responsibility on plastic packaging waste as per regulations issued under these rules from time to time”.
• Rule 10, which specifies Protocols for compostable plastic materials has been substituted, namely:
“10. Protocols for compostable and biodegradable plastic materials.-Determination of the degree of degradability and degree of disintegration of plastic material shall be as per the protocols of the Indian Standards listed in Schedule I to these rules, wherein, it shall be ensured that standard biodegradable plastic, other than compostable plastics, undergoes complete degradation by biological processes under ambient environment (terrestrial or in water) conditions, in specified time periods, without leaving any micro plastics, or visible, distinguishable or toxic residue, which has adverse environment impacts, following appropriate standards developed by Bureau of Indian Standards and certified by Central Pollution Control Board. The compostable plastic materials shall conform to the Indian Standard: IS 17088:2008 titled as Specifications for Compostable Plastics, as amended from time to time.”
• In rule 11, which specifies Marking or labelling, in sub-rule (1), clause (d) has been inserted, namely:
“(d) The importer or brand owner, of imported carry bags or multi-layered packaging or plastic sheets or like used for packaging, alone or along with products shall adhere to Sub-rule 11 (a) and 11 (b).”
• In rule 13, which specifies Registration of producer, recyclers and manufacturer, sub-rule (1) has been substituted, namely:
“(1) No person shall manufacture carry bags or recycle plastic or multi-layered packaging unless the person has obtained registration from,-
i. The concerned State Pollution Control Board or Pollution Control Committee of the Union Territory, if operating in one or two states or Union territories; or
ii. The Central Pollution Control Board, if operating in more than two States or Union Territories.”
• In rule 13, which specifies Registration of producer, recyclers and manufacturer, sub-rule (6) has been omitted.
• Rule 18, which specifies Imposition of Environmental Compensation has been inserted, namely:
“1. Environmental Compensation shall be levied based upon polluter pays principle, on person(s) not adhering to the provisions of these rules, for the purpose of protecting and improving the quality of the environment and preventing, controlling and abating environment pollution.
2. CPCB shall lay down guidelines for imposition and collection of environment compensation and the same shall be notified. The Guidelines for Environmental Compensation shall be updated, as required.”
• Form I, which specifies APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION FOR PRODUCERS or Brand Owners has been amended.
• Form IV, which specifies Format of Annual Report by Operator of plastic waste processing or recycling Facility to the Local Body has been amended.
• Form VI, has also been amended.
All the persons likely to be affected thereby and notice is hereby given that the said notification will be taken into consideration by the Central Government on or after the expiry of sixty days from the date on which copies of this notification as published in the Gazette of India are made available to the public;
Any person interested in making any objection or suggestion on the proposals contained in the draft notification may do so in writing within the period so specified through post to the Secretary, Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change, Indira Paryavaran Bhawan, Jor Bagh Road, Aliganj, New Delhi- 110003 or electronically at email address: satyendra.kumar07@nic.in, amit.love@nic.in.
=”https://cpcb.nic.in/uploads/plasticwaste/draft-pwmrules-2022.pdf” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”>Click here to download the draft
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